[Links] Ask HN: Is there still a place for native desktop apps?

🍊 HN Link

🌎 Ripcord: Desktop Chat Client

🌎 LMMS | Home

🌎 Getting to Go: The Journey of Go's Garbage Collector - The Go Programming Language

🌎 Parkinson's law - Wikipedia

🌎 Wirth's law - Wikipedia

🌎 https://cr.yp.to/bib/1995/wirth.pdf

🌎 em-fceux

🌎 ossia | Open Software System for Interactive Applications

🌎 GitHub - revery-ui/revery: Native, high-performance, cross-platform desktop apps - built with Reason!

🌎 GitHub - briskml/brisk: ✨Cross-platform set of tools for building native UIs with Reason/OCaml

🌎 GitHub - rxi/lite: A lightweight text editor written in Lua

🌎 GitHub - uwerat/qskinny: A lightweight framework on top of the Qt scene graph and only few classes from Qt/Quick. It is usable from C++ and/or QML.

🌎 GitHub - QUItCoding/qnanopainter: Library for implementing OpenGL accelerated Qt5 C++ UI components.

🌎 GitHub - KDE/qqc2-desktop-style: Qt Quick Controls 2: Desktop Style

🌎 Electron | Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

🌎 The File System Access API: simplifying access to local files

🌎 MvvmCross | MvvmCross is a convention based MVVM framework for Xamarin and Windows, with strong community support, filled to the brim with useful features.

🌎 GNU's advanced distro and transactional package manager Ҁ” GNU Guix

🌎 GitHub - diamondburned/gtkcord3: A Gtk3 Discord client in Golang

🌎 Building a fast Electron app with Rust

🌎 Pyodide: Bringing the scientific Python stack to the browser - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

🌎 GitHub - kkos/oniguruma: regular expression library

🌎 FileSystem - Web APIs | MDN

🌎 Paul Butler – The WebAssembly App Gap

🌎 Is desktop software dead? | Successful Software

🌎 The Other Road Ahead

🌎 SVGOMG - SVGO's Missing GUI

🌎 TablePlus | Modern, Native Tool for Database Management

🌎 CurrentKey Stats – Manage your Time and Spaces

🌎 GitHub - pock/pock: Widgets manager for MacBook Touch Bar

🌎 GitHub - overtake/TelegramSwift: Source code of Telegram for macos on Swift 5.0

🌎 joes-sandbox/editor-perf at master · jhallen/joes-sandbox · GitHub

🌎 Build Idea – Medium

🌎 GitHub - bwindels/brawl-chat: A minimal Matrix chat client, focused on performance and offline functionality.

🌎 iMessage for Windows | The NeoSmart Files

🌎 2Do – GTD, XYZ and everything in between. A powerful task manager.

🌎 Video Recording and Screen Capture Software - Jumpshare

🌎 UPVERTER - Modular Design

🌎 GitHub - onivim/oni2: Native, lightweight modal code editor